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The Roland Shaw Orchestra - Themes For Secret Agents - Tijdelijk goedkoper (LP)

The Roland Shaw Orchestra - Themes For Secret Agents - Tijdelijk goedkoper (LP)

€ 16,95

Voorraad: 2

Tijdelijk goedkoper Universal.

Phase 4 was renowned for its characteristic sound: warm, rich and clean. Using Decca’s pioneering 20-channel mixing desk, the label aimed to deliver an immediacy of sound to give listeners an unrivalled listening experience through state-of-the-art recordings, and produced recordings with an unprecedented sense of spatial realism and movement. Decca presents the original albums on vinyl once again.

1. Theme From "the Man From U.N.C.L.E."
2. Mr. Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang
3. Theme From "the Spy Who Came In From the Cold"
4. Goldfinger
5. The Ipcress File
6. The Saint
7. Thunderball
8. The Avengers
9. From Russia With Love
10. I Spy
11. Our Man Flint
12. The James Bond Theme.


Artiest: The Roland Shaw Orchestra
Titel: Themes For Secret Agents - Tijdelijk goedkoper
Format: Vinyl LP
Release: 24-02-2017
Genre: Soundtrack
Genre: Orkest

Meer informatie over deze release

Barcode: 28948316229

Twee weken bedenktijd
Gratis verzending vanaf € 75 in België
Levering in België na 1-2 werkdagen wanneer voorradig

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