Gratis verzending vanaf € 75 in België Binnen 2 werkdagen geleverd wanneer voorradig

The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis - The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis (LP)

The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis - The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis (LP)

€ 31,40

Voorraad: 1

On their Impulse debut album, Washington DC’s experimental jazz punk trio the Messthetics (drummer Brendan Canty and Joe Lally of iconic punk band Fugazi, with guitarist Anthony Pirog) join forces with acclaimed jazz tenor saxophonist, composer and bandleader James Brandon Lewis. Together, they widen the reach of decisive instrumental music through their overlapping of jazz, punk, funk, aggression and innovation.

1. L’Orso / 2. Emergence / 3. That Thang / 4. Three Sisters / 5. Boatly / 6. The Time is the Place / 7. Railroad Tracks Home / 8. Asthenia / 9. Fourth Wall.


Artiest: The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis
Titel: The Messthetics And James Brandon Lewis
Format: Vinyl LP
Release: 22-03-2024
Genre: Jazz

Barcode: 602458945898

Twee weken bedenktijd
Gratis verzending vanaf € 75 in België
Levering in België na 1-2 werkdagen wanneer voorradig

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